CHEMPRO 2201 / 2203 (Finished Products)

รหัสสินค้า : CHEMPRO 2201


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Product Description

CHEMPRO 2201 is a anti-scalant for boiler that operates under 800 psi (55 bar). CHEMPRO2201 ingredients can prevent scale forming by modifying calcium scale to be soft sludge and polymer in CHEMPRO 2201 will inhibit Calcium and ferrous ion in bulk water to not able to form hard scale on heating boiler surface. CHEMPRO 2201 also helps to stabilize alkalinity of boiler water. 

Product benefits

  • Generally use for industrial boiler.
  • High performance polymer which disperses even in high content of particle and sludge.
  • Stable in high temperature.
  • Excellent corrosion deposit dispersing thus can protect heating surface from under deposit corrosion.
  • Flexible dosing both directly to boiler drum or feed water suction area.
  • Ingredients comply with FDA approved regulation.

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