CHEMPRO 2508 / 2518 / 2528 (Finished Products)

รหัสสินค้า : CHEMPRO 2508 / 2518 / 2528


0.00 ฿

0.00 ฿

ราคารวม 0.00 ฿

Product Description

CHEMPRO 2508 is a kind volatile amines for inhibiting the condensate pipeline from carbonic acid dissolved corrosion. The mechanisms of CHEMPRO 2508 will be neutralized the acidic content to carbonate and subsequently create basicity to adjust pH of water. CHEMPRO 2508 can reduce deposits from iron content of condensate return.

Product benefits

  • Reduce corrosion product in condensate pipeline.
  • Steam can be recovery that minimized energy consumption.
  • Minimized maintenance cost of pipeline repair.
  • In case condensate returns to boiler, boiler would be safe from iron and rust 

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